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1 Watanakunakom, et al., 1980 Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 6, 785-791.

2 Watanakunakom, et al., 1982 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 903-905.

3 Minelli, E. Bertazzoni, et al., 2011. Anaerobe 17(6), 380-383.

4 Trampuz, A., et. al., 2005. Swiss Med Weekly. 135(17-18): 243-51. Review.

5 For complete data and associated risks reference the REMEDY SPECTRUM® GV Hip IFU. In a review of 22 patients, clinical effectiveness was defined as the absence of 2 or more positive cultures at the time of reimplanation. Patients should be monitored for ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity while under-going treatment for PJI.